How to prevent diabetes?

Feb 19, 2025

Diabetes is a chronic, progressive metabolic disease with elevated blood glucose levels and affects 422 million people globally. With 77 million diabetics, India ranks second in the worldwide diabetes epidemic.  

Two main types of diabetes

Type 1 - An autoimmune disorder where the body cannot produce insulin. You must take insulin to manage blood sugar.

Type 2 - Happens due to inadequate insulin production or utilisation. This lifestyle disorder is more prevalent.Managed care and various preventive healthcare measures can help.

What happens in diabetes type 2?

The body's cells fail to respond to insulin, and more sugar circulates in the blood. As a result, the pancreas secrete more insulin to remove this excess blood sugar. Eventually, it fails to produce enough insulin resulting in high blood sugar. Prolonged unmanaged high blood sugar can harm the heart, kidneys, blood vessels, nerves, and eyes.

When to suspect you may have diabetes?

1. If either parent is a diabetic there is almost a 50 percent chance of getting it.

2. If you are passing urine very frequently, feeling excessively thirsty or hungry, losing weight, time to get your blood sugar tested. 

3. If getting repeated urine infection, skin infection or fungus get your sugar checked

4. Obesity is a risk factor. 

5. Sedentary lifestyle with lack of movement is a risk factor.

What factors influence the development of diabetes?

Excessive weight/obesity

Age: Risk increases with age

Family history of diabetes  or heart disease

Ethnicity: Indians have a higher risk 

Genetic susceptibility

Environment encouraging inactivity and unhealthy diet 


Preventive healthcare for diabetes

Behavioural change:

Stay motivated

Set realistic goals

Create a new routine

Engage family and friends

Abstain from smoking

Adequate sleep

Stress management: Deep breathing, meditation, stress-busting activities

Physical activity:

Increase daily physical activity: walking, gardening, jogging, swimming etc.

Exercise minimum 30 mins, five days/week

Resistance training: Weightlifting, Yoga 

Limit inactivity periods: After 30 mins of sedentary activity, walk

Nutrition and dietary change: Have a balanced, nutritious, and enjoyable diet.


Lots of fruit, non-starchy veggies, and legumes

Brown rice

Whole grain cereals 

Fibre-rich foods

Vegetable oil and nuts

Select low-fat dairy and lean meat: Chicken and turkey (without skin), eggs, fish


Limit sugar to ≤50 g/day

Butter, saturated and trans fat


"Bad carbs" - white bread bakery products, syrups, sweetened beverages, etc.  

Processed foods

Weight control: 

Opt for baked, steamed, grilled, or broiled food

Pack high-energy foods like nuts in small containers to prevent overeating or being too hungry

Regular medial checkups.

At Circle Health, we believe early diagnosis is the key. People over 45 years should opt for an annual preventive consultation to prevent diabetes, heart attack, and cancer.

To know more, talk to us at +91 76763 12288.