Early Detection of Diseases

Feb 19, 2025

Early detection of diseases simply means diagnosing or detecting a disease in its beginning or early stages. It usually takes place through screening tests for markers of the development milestones of a particular disease. In many diseases like cancer, Alzheimer’s, dementia, or heart conditions, early detection can dramatically help improve mortality outcomes, survivability, and even quality of life. 

Most of these diseases are attributed to lifestyle and are therefore considered largely preventable. However, despite the preventability of these diseases, they are often detected at such advanced stages that they tremendously affect the prognosis of the patient presenting with them. For example, 75-80% of cancer cases detected in India are advanced, i.e., stages 3–4, which can be terminal in certain cases. Such dismal numbers drive the need for early detection and screening of diseases in India.


Why is early detection of diseases useful?

 Early detection can almost always be very useful. In cases of family history of the disease, clear symptoms that are unnatural or abnormal, and lack of routine testing, early detection can be very useful in driving the prevention of disease.


What is the science behind early detection?

Prevention is better than cure, and that is the exact impact science that drives the early detection of diseases. To prevent a heart attack or other cardiovascular conditions, minor lifestyle changes can be sufficient when detected at an early stage. Many patients detected with borderline blood sugar levels are able to prevent diabetes by making minor adjustments to their diets and lifestyles. Many cancers are entirely preventable—like cervical cancer, whereby an HPV vaccine administration can help you prevent cancer. Strategies like neurological screening can help prevent dementia or stop it from worsening. 

How is early detection of disease done? 

Early disease detection relies heavily on preventive healthcare, i.e., tests or screening panels that test whether you are beginning to show any particular symptoms or even detect if you are already at risk for certain diseases. It can be achieved by routine blood tests or disease-specific tests offered by clinics, hospitals, and diagnostic centres in the form of disease-specific diagnostic test packages.

If you want to learn about how early disease detection can help better health outcomes, here are a few research articles that have validated their findings:

A)   Promoting Cancer Early Diagnosis

B)   Earlier Cancer Detection Improves Quality of Life and Patient Outcomes

C)   Early diagnostics: shaping healthcare and society through new technologies

D)   Early Detection and Assessment of Covid-19

E)    Early Detection and Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes Reduce Cardiovascular Morbidity and Mortality

To know more about the early detection of diseases or to book a similar panel, reach out to us at Circle Health or call +91 76763 12288.